Sunday, June 19, 2011

как те прекрасен

Sitting on my kitchen floor in the corner for some reason. the angle is interesting here. everything looks yellow and warm. I can't tell if my dog has high pitched barks or the hiccups, so i gave her peanut butter, which has solved the problem regardless. I wonder if she's thirsty?
Vacation Bible School is over, and I can say that the biggest project I've ever undertaken was a success. 130 kids, countless volunteers and many nights up till 1 am with Karen making name tags and organizing crew bags. I've been asked so many times how glad i am that it's over.
but really, there's nothing else i can see myself doing. Nothing else i'd rather do.
I've never felt so filled with purpose. my job has consumed me. I have fallen in love with these kids.
So i'm headlong into the next project. and I'm pumped. It's weird how your dreams can find you when you least expect them.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Reflections on being a Searcy

When I tell dad I don't have time for lunch break because I'm up to my ears in VBS, he brings me lunch.
This pack lunch included a pita pocket with ham and cheese
sliced tomatoes and cucumbers in olive oil (AMAZING)
dried cherries, almonds and sunflower seeds
and fresh picked organic blackberries.

that is all