Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Honors Program

Check out this article my friend wrote on our honors program! I spoke a bit on the video:)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Part of a Poem I wrote in Greek

Sorry I keep writing poems in that class...

To Oxford I came, in Oxford I found
men who think the right things about Hemingway
and the wrong things about the Porter.
There I found true knowledge and a heady
sort of wisdom- knowing, if I really believe
In the God of St. Mary's,
Then most all the Radcliffe souls will perish
in fire and anguish- books
all burning to the flame of their rejection
of simplicity.
While women in Alabama- who annoy me
will wear crowns in eternal splendor
eating pecan pie.
Not concerned one bit with Greek
but believing the Word of God.