Friday, August 26, 2011

Workstudy in the computer lab.. reflections on commuting

It isn't that i hate commuting, i just hate not being where the people are. In the morning it's nice, because i can be as loud as i want in my car and i won't bother anyone. At night though i just want to call every single person i know and talk to them. Last night i drove around the circle (our whole campus can fit itself around this giant one-way circle) 3 times just looking for people to say hey to, and then i did see people but they were in a big group talking and laughing and i pictured myself awkwardly pulling up my car trying to get in on the joke and... decided against it. I called Christian and Jordan and looked through my text messages trying to weigh in my mind who would be annoyed or think i was clingy if i called them. I just really love people. i would want to hang out even if i hadn't slept or eaten for 5 days. I could live on air and conversation.
So that's what stinks about commuting.
What's nice about it are the two boiled eggs and cup of tea i have for breakfast every morning, and the fact that when i have to perform a song in a day i can ask my dad to play the melody line and then listen to the recording of it on my phone for an hour before i have to show my face in pubic. I am also forced to practice piano because now i live in a house of piano players. including my 12 year old brother who's better at piano than i am. Stinkin Searcy.
I don't know why i wrote this blog entry, except it has helped me procrastinate and ramble about commuting.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

the million dollar idea.

two things i know about myself

1. i don't do things halfway
2. i am a wimp

So I've been convicted about the money i waste. I just paid off my first student loan and lately i've just had such a heart for being a wise steward of my finances. In light of this, i realized how much money i waste on clothes.
So i've decided i want to do something drastic (see point 1.)
but there's the other half, which means i might chicken out (see point 2.)
so i've devised a plan.
perhaps if i PUBLISH my plan on my blog, i will feel obligated to go through with it even when it gets rough.
okay are you ready for the plan?
here goes.

I will not buy clothes during this entire school year.

alright, here goes nothing but a whole lot of saving and a whole lot of fun.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

a little diddy

Mally Renee
has lots to say
but where to begin
the mouth, or the pen?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Slumber - needtobreathe

Days; they force you back under those covers,
lazy mornings; they multiply,
glory's waiting outside your windows.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.

Tongues are violent, personal and focused,
tough to be with your steady mind,
hearts are stronger after broken.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.

All these victims stand in line for,
crumbs that fall from the table just enough to get by,
all the while your invitation.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.

Take from vandals all you want now,
please don't trade it in for life,
replaced your feeble with the fable.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.

All these victims stand in line for,
crumbs that fall from the table just enough to get by,
all the while your invitation.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.

Sing like we used to,
dance when you want to,
taste for the breakthrough open wide.

All these victims stand in line for,
crumbs that fall from the table just enough to get by,
all the while your invitation.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.
Wake on up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes.