For all of you who followed my family vacation blogs at theseniorblog.blogspot.com thanks so much! I have decided to use this blog space to continue that blog, because I'm no longer a senior in highschool anymore.. I'm a freshman in college!! WAHOO!
But if you'd still like to look back on my old blog days, that blog is still up and running and linked to this site, shouldn't be too difficult to find.
In other news, I'm about 3 days away from my trip back to Kaluga, Russia. Although I'd love to email/call/text everyone while I'm in Russia... I know that's just not realistic. Instead, I'm going to blog my adventures, much like I blogged the family vacation. (think of that as the test run for the real thing.)*
I visited Word of Life Church in Kaluga, Russia when I was eleven years old with my mom and a team from First Pres Baton Rouge. We've kept up with some friends at the church and my dear friend and translator, Veronica, is now in the states after 7 years!! She's currently sitting on my bed and says that the best things about America are red beans and rice, UNO, and blueberries. I agree.
I will travel back with her on Thursday, July 15 for the first time since I was eleven. I will stay for two weeks and do lots of exciting and marvelous things including (but not limited to) singing at church, hanging with Russian youth group kiddos and seeing Moscow. Oh and introducing Russian kids to sugar babies. (you know, that awesome and impossible to chew candy?) and teaching them how to play ultimate frisbee and UNO. My come home day is july 26.
Be sure and follow my blog for updates, and hopefully pictures, if I can figure out how to post those. I'm experimenting now with my two favorite pictures from the trip when i was eleven. There's one of me and Veronica, and another of me, mom and Tanya (the children's pastor). I'll be staying with both Veronica and Tanya on this trip.
If you'd like to pray for me, it would mean so much to me. I firmly believe that trips like this are only successful when we earnestly ask God to go before us. Here are some things you can pray for me.
*Most of all, that God would do his will. That he would anoint me, give me words, open doors, and most of all, that it would be his plans, and not my own silly American Mallory ones that happen. That it would be him, and only him.
*second, pray for me. Pray that I'm not physically exhausted from a 9 hour jetlag and 13 hour plane ride. Fast recovery.
*Also pray for me spiritually. That i would have peace about what God has for me to say and that I would be clear on what i should do.
*Pray for the people I'll be talking to/interacting with. Pray that I make new friends (of course i'll get to see the great friends i already have!) and that people's hearts would be open to truth.
*pray for travel through customs, that the Russian's let me through and don't lose my luggage!:)
*and lastly, pray for my family back at home.
If you would take one or two of these and pray them for me, I know it will make a huge difference on my trip. I have decided that my verse for this trip (well it's actually a chapter) is Psalms 34. I will read it/pray it every day, as i have been in preparation for the trip.
Can't wait to tell you of my adventures! Please comment on my blog while I'm there- I'd love to hear from you all!
*as a side note, you'll notice that my punctuation is inside my quotation mark. Thank you, Mrs. Brenda!! As is well known in the Searcy house, my writing is acclaimed (if at all) merely for it's content, not it's grammatical style. I will improve.
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