Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pushkin, pagan temples, and my 5th day in Russia

Previet! I'm told my Russian is getting better. I think they're all just getting more comfortable speaking english to me.
I'm starting to think i can post less and less on the internet. I feel that it's very dangerous until i get back into the states. I will say, Russian's here say Americans have freedom, but it's the Russian Christians who are more free in their hearts than American ones. I am begining to realize will be very hard to come back home.
Yesterday I worked all day at the church. I taught voice, met with the kids ministry team about the kids worship service i'll do on sunday (!!) and.. dak. Did a voice recording for a video of the church for American churches, and probably millions of other things.
Today i went to Moscow. To Red Square, Christ Cathedral, Pushkin museum of art, the house of Ivan the Terrible and the church of Peter the Great. It was beautiful, amazing, but creepy. I told my friends i don't wanna see any more pagan temples. I spent all day watching old women pray to icons. Very, very beautiful icons, but icons. I think i needed to see it. It's breath taking and it helps me understand Russia. but sad.
I must go. I'll go to Church at ten tomorrow. Need some rest.

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